Monday, May 6, 2013

LOAD Day 5: And then there were none

Day 5 on LOAD was a difficult one. It's been a fun but long and tyring day and I didn't get around to scrapping this layout until about 10 pm. Also it was a rather sad story I wanted to scrap today. The prompt for Sunday is a suspense novel or movie and today's was 'And then there were none' by Agatha Christie.

Last year my grandmother died at 96. We were sad but she had lived a full and happy life. She was the last one of my grandparents and it really hit home that the generations had shifted up a level. My mom and dad are now the grandparents, my brother, sister and myself are the parents and our children are the youngest generation.
The layout is simple as I wanted to get a lot of journalling and a poem by Dutch pastor Marinus van den Berg in. It reads something like this:
by Marinus van den Berg
Original poem is in Dutch, this is my own translation.
Greetings with light
now that your life candle has burnt up.
Greetings with light
from us who cared about you.
Greetings with light
now that we remember your light.
Greetings with light
now that we thank you
for the light that you have brought.
Greeting with light
now that you have left the light of life.
Greetings with light
that there may be light for you
until the end.
I knew it had to be on the one sheet of sunny Bo Bunny paper I had to reflect the light that the poem speaks of. I only just saw that it's called 'The gift of love', how about that?

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